
Yes, that image is from the far inferior version of the cover art for the Rolling Stones' 'Beggars Banquet' LP, and I prefer the 'party invitation' sleeve variant by far, with the bacchanalian colourised image inside, but it's a good song from a great album, and it relates to my thoughts for this post.


Expectations are crucial to therapy. How can you get what you want from the therapeutic process without thinking ahead to how you want to feel in the future?


Last month I spend the morning undertaking training on expectations, and I found this experience to be both informative and reassuring. Informative in the sense that I learned a few useful concepts about expectations, such as how they affect motivation and engagement, and reassuring because many of the ideas feature strongly in my work already.


As a person who is looking for therapy, what are your expectations? Are you able to communicate them? Are they going to change as you go along with the therapeutic process? If you'd like to reflect on expectations with me, please contact me and we'll see if we can work together.

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